Long Live “Road Worker Orange”

Connor waiting for a flight in Miami.

Family Travel…

A couple of weeks ago we travelled with our family to Jamaica from Houston.  Being a parent I over pack and over think.  My 14 yr old son Connor loves the color orange.  It is just about ridiculous.  So the time came to lay out clothes for our early morning flight, he had all orange clothes set out (notice I was able to switch out the shorts.) I am talking head to toe!  It was late and not worth the argument.

We arrive the IAH airport and the lines are long, people are everywhere.  Multiple check in lines forced us to “divide and conqueror.” Here we go, we will NOT miss this flight.

Waiting to take off. Have I told you I hate selfies? But had to do the airport check in thing!

I lost Martin (hubby) and I lost Payton (17 yr old daughter). In record time, they were missing.  But not my sweet little “Connor Mon” decked out in full orange.  He was easy to find and always where we needed him to be.  My theory on the “Road Worker Orange,” has changed.

It reminded me of a family that had gone to Disney World with us several years ago.  They all wore Lime green shirts the entire time.  We did not have to look hard to find them. Just look for a cluster of lime green and there they were!

Think about this post the next time you plan to travel to heavily populated areas.  Pick a color that is easily seen or everyone wear close to the same color.  People may look at you funny when you are all together but guess what? You are ALL together.  Not frantically searching for each other. Airports can be weird and stressful.  Kids with phones look down and never know where you have gone.  While they are aimlessly walking thru an airport, you are frantic! Not a good way to start or end a vacation.

 Wishing you 80° & Palm Trees

Leaving Beaches Negril. It was so early and the camera was fuzzy. My babies were easy to find at all times!


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